Package redesign
Occasionally, witnessing the birth of a brand and being directly involved in its creation is a privilege. However, as time progresses, brands evolve and develop new needs. In 2023, Monroe Care, owner of the Mom to Mom brand, initiated a complete redesign of its product portfolio, more than a decade after its introduction to the market.
The objective of this new design was to clearly communicate, both visually and typographically, the benefits of each product and their relationship within the portfolio. Each item was designed to be part of a system that helps mothers maintain healthy, hydrated skin throughout pregnancy. Additionally, this redesign aimed to pave the way for the development of new products that would enrich the portfolio and foster continuous consumer loyalty, driven by the high quality of Mom to Mom products.
The result was a complete success, both at the point of sale and on social media. The new color palette, aligned with the brand’s institutional colors, was inspired by natural tones that evoke a warm and comforting mood for mothers. The use of illustrations instead of photographs created a more direct connection with expectant mothers, inspiring them through each scene depicted on the products and reinforcing their confidence during this significant journey.
This new visual brand architecture strengthened the portfolio by emphasizing high quality and specialization, catering to the niche market of mothers during pregnancy.